April 19, 2008


Board Meeting: April 19, 2008
Place: River Falls Lodge
Present: David White, Tammy Miller, Teresa Wilson, Wayne Richard, John Bryson, Jimmy Smith, Catherine Scott, Elaine Robson, June Glenn, Frank Farmer, Anna Rowe
Absent: Jerry Vice, Jennifer Whiting, Neil Cross, Jennie Wakefield, Dwayne Plaisted

Meeting was called to order at 3:35 pm.

David’s acknowledged those who helped with the benefit, those who were instrumental in organizing and participating in the callers collective and Wayne for installation of the two water fountains.
Welcomed Anna Rowe as a student representative on the Board.

Wayne moved to accept the January and February minutes. Tammy seconded. All approved.

Old Business
Benefits/donations – To make the email votes official, Wayne moved we accept the following 4 email votes for the record:
Charge for benefits: Crossnore ($0), Tigers Go ($75)
Charge and approval for Sunday Bryson/Farmer sponsored dance ($16)
Donate $50 to Callers Collective
Donate $50 to Eve Carson Memorial
Tammy seconded. All approved.

Previous minutes do not show the board voting on several policies that are on our web site. Two policies in specific are the callers responsibilities and publicity on table. All should review the policies included in Appendix A. Send comments/suggestions to David for clarification of callers responsibility. Email Jimmy for comments/suggestions for appropriate wording for what to include (or not) on the table inside the door.

David and Jerry are working on developing a resolution for his potentially reconsidering and remaining on the board.

New Business
Finance. Current bank balance = $9,300
Elaine handed out the first quarter report of listing expenses vs budget. Elaine will be creating quarterly reports from now on to hand out at meetings.

Public Relations
Jimmy is working with Kurt on redesigning the web site. We paid out $500 up front and the other $500 will be paid out upon completion. Kurt is hoping to finish within the month.

Phone message had not been updated in a few months. Catherine updated the message and will continue through June. John will update the messages regularly July – Dec 2008.
Due to the success of the two water fountains, Wayne moves that HMFS purchase two (2)additional drinking fountains at the cost of approximately $200 each. All approved.
John will post sign for dancers to bring their own drinking vessels.
Signs: Tammy brought the 2 small signs today. Will try to finish the 2 larger ones within a month.
Wayne will continue with electrical in the dance hall and plumbing in the restrooms as he has time.

Special events committee (includes benefits, Monster Mash)
The committee moves to continue Monster Mash as we have in the past (afternoon and night dance) and drop the registration process. All approved. Note: the cost will still be $15.

Moondance committee
Next meeting at 4pm at RFL (before the regular dance that night).

Y-Dance committee
David reported for Jennie. The committee moved the Y-dance payment formula be amended so that any money above expenses (band, caller, rent, sound, etc) will be halved between HMFS and Y dance. The Y dance share will be split among caller and band.
Discussion: bookkeeping cumbersome, profit should be kept by Y dance for nights no profit is made i.e, reinvest profit into dance, Y dance should be potentially autonomous, treasurer recommends leaving as is.
Yes – 7, No-7. Tie breaker by chair: David thoughtfully suggested more thought needs to go into amending the payment formula.
Committee will investigate Steve Walker for sound.
Jennie wants beginner session 1 on 1.

Volunteer committee
No one seems to be interested in volunteering. June will get with Teresa with some ideas.

Booking/callers – any questions/concerns contact David

Nominating Committee
Moves to nominate Ethan Hummel as a high school student representative. All approve.

Next meeting: July 20, 2008 @ 3:30-6:00, potluck following. Location TBA.

Meeting adjourned at 5:55 pm

Appendix A
Publicity Materials at River Falls Lodge
Only dance materials may be displayed on the publicity table and at other areas at River Falls Lodge. (Approved March 28, 2004)

Beginners Dance Session – Caller Responsibility
Callers should be prepared to lead or coordinate the beginners dance session at 7:30, with the help of experienced dancers. We have a flexible policy based on numbers of beginners – if the teaching is going well with the experienced dancers, then the caller simply is a participant/coordinator in the teaching. If, the beginners overwhelm the number of experienced dancers, then the caller takes charge. The caller and host can decide if direct involvement is needed. At 7:45, the caller has the option of stepping in and leading the rest of the session, depending on the need. The use of experienced dancers supports the caller’s instruction and gives beginners an experienced partner for the first or second dance. (Approved December 2, 2006)

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