April 2011


April 9th, 2011 at River Falls Lodge 2:00-4:30PM, pot-luck and dance to follow


Present:  Wayne, Keith, Frank, Maggie, Tamara, Anna, Marty, and June

Absent: Minty, Hank, Steve


Welcome and Acknowledgements:  Wayne


President’s Report: Wayne

  • Meeting Goals:  involvement, focus, brevity, consideration, accomplishment


Old Business:

  • Youth Representative application form re-work: Anna

Anna presented the revised Youth Board application to the Board. She will email out the final application to the board for approval and then the send to Steve to post on the website.

  • Safety equipment:  Frank, Marenda, Marty

Marty made a motion to request Frank to contact the local Red Cross to get pricing on an AED for River Falls. If pricing is good, the Marty will contact the HMFS Treasurer to purchase the equipment (through Red Cross or another reasonably priced provider).

One opposition from Tamara and the rest in favor. Motion approved.

Frank encouraged the Board to take note of where the fire extinguishers are, we have breathing masks at River Falls and Landmark, and have vinyl gloves in the mask.

Frank is still looking into a sign for “No Parking on the Bridge”. We’ll see how the “no parking” tape goes for now and make adjustments as needed.

Frank mentioned asking campers not to have a fire.

  • Special Committee

No report since the last board meeting.

  • Mike Compton’s subwoofer

Frank is going to get a “paragraph” to the board about the make and model of the speaker, and what the damage costs will be, for Mike to agree upon.

  • MoonDance Band/Caller list:  Wayne

There IS a list of Moondance callers and bands who Wayne wants to get to Steve to develop an archive page on the HMFS website.


Secretary’s Report:  Anna

  • Vote on previous minutes

Unanimous Approval of the Minutes.


Treasurer’s Report/Finance Committee:  Marenda

  • No Report


Governance Committee:  Steve, Hank

  • No Report


Nominating committee:  June

  • No report.


Volunteer committee:  June

  • No report.



Facilities Maintenance:  Frank, Minty, Hank

·         Ongoing roof leak

Wayne reminded the board to make sure to keep the red trash can under the roof leak to prevent further floor damage. Now that it is getting warmer, Frank will encourage Hank to check out the roof situation.

·         Work day

Frank will schedule a HMFS Work Day on a day that is not a Saturday Dance day.

·         June is making a check list for Hosts/Volunteers top Open/Close to laminate and post in the dance hall.

·         Harriett Bugel           

The board really likes Harriett cleaning the dance hall. Frank will contact Harriett to work up an agreement for periodic (quarterly?) Lodge cleaning in exchange for free dancing.


Band/caller booking and Host reminding:  Tamara

  • City Dance in August is scheduled for the first night of Splash Dance. So she is looking for ways to re-schedule that month.
  • Wayne is getting Charles Kellett’s email address to Tamara for her to start the relationship with Landmark Hall.
  • Tamara made a motion to cancel City Dance for August due to regional dance weekends in the area. Second the motion by Frank. Unanimous approval.


Band/caller lodging coordinator and Callers Collective:  Keith

  • There are 20 people on the Callers Collective email list.
  • Caller’s Collective will participate in CityDance, the Friday before Easter at LandMark Hall. Experienced dancers are encouraged to come.
  • Keith is going to start following up with bands that she books lodging for to make sure that their lodging was adequate and maintain a good list of host options.


Sound committee:   Frank

            Already reported on the sound.


PR and outreach committee:  Anna, Steve, Wayne

·         Facebook, Gvl. News, Yahoo, Hotline

Wayne and Anna will work with Jimmy to correct the current Facebook Page’s information.

·         Web-site archive listing previous MoonDance and MonsterMash events

Wayne is working with Steve to create an “auto archive” page for the website with old dances, callers, etc.

Wayne is working with Minty in her offer to take over publishing the Dance Schedule hard copy sheets that we provide at the dances.


CityDance:  Marenda, Anna, Hank

  • Last meeting’s policy change didn’t include minimum share.

Frank made a motion that the minimum payment for talent at City Dance is $100 and the going rate for sound is $200. Any cash leftover after the minimums are distributed will be allocated to the musicians/talent. HMFS will subsidize the rent payment for Landmark Hall, and checks will be deposited.

Second by June. Unanimous approval of the motion.

  • Tamara made a motion that the Caller’s Collective, when calling at CityDance, takes the share we would pay a caller, with those funds go into the checking account to off-set the costs of future workshops. Approved, none opposed..
  • Frank made a motion that we include a line item for funding workshops in the next budget. Approved, none opposed.

Monster Mash: June

  • We are very excited about this year’s Monster Mash on October 29th, 2011.
  • Seph Tepher and Adina Gordon are the callers
  • Contraversial is the afternoon band
  • We are still waiting on confirmation for the evening band.


New Business:

  • Dance Seminar:  Marenda and/or Frank

Frank reported on the Southeast Dance Leadership Conference in Raleigh last October. He gave a report on some of the things he learned. He encouraged all board members to try to attend this event.

  • Gap Creek VFD donation

Weogo recommended that we support the River Falls Fire Department with a donation in appreciation for their services.

Frank made a motion that we should make an annual donation to the River Falls Fire Department.

Second by Maggie. Unanimous approval by the board.



Next Meeting: June 25th at 3:00-5:30pm. Followed by social and potluck. RFL




  • Keith and Wayne will draft up a contract to review with the bank and Scott.
  • Wayne will call Jerry Vice to discuss his interest in purchasing the Lodge.
  • Anna will email the Youth Board Application out to the Board. Upon approval of the application, Steve will update the application on the web.
  • Frank will check with the Red Cross to see what kind of AED models they have for sale.
  • Frank to send email/paragraph to the board about using Mike’s subwoofer at the Lodge.
  • Hank to check out the roof leak situation at RFL.
  • Frank will schedule a HMFS Work Day on a day that is not a Saturday Dance day.
  • June to make a checklist for Hosts/Volunteers to laminate and post in the dance hall.
  • Frank will contact Harriett to work up an agreement for periodic (quarterly?) Lodge cleaning in exchange for free dancing.
  • Wayne is getting Charles Kellet’s email address (from Landmark Hall) to Tamara.
  • Wayne and Anna will work with Jimmy to correct the current Facebook Page’s information.
  • Wayne and Marenda will get together (before the next board meeting) to look at the budget and evaluate our extra expenses each year that we can contribute to service organizations (such as Crossnore School, River Falls Fire Dept, etc.).




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