January 20, 2007


Board Meeting: January 20, 2007

Present: David White, Wayne Richard, Jimmy Smith, John Bryson, Janet Swell, Dwayne Plaisted, Elaine Robson, Jerry Vice, Theresa Pizutto, Cathy Scott, Neil Cross & Tammy Miller

Absent: Teresa Wilson

Guests: Leon Chapman


  • Team leader, Wayne, and volunteers who helped with the work day on Jan. 13th
  • Jimmy for all his web site work and improvements
  • Those who worked on getting the Hotline established and set up and the inclement weather policy drafted (Jerry, Elaine and Janet)
  • Jerry for donating furniture to RFL and taking care of some of the old furniture
  • Elaine’s work as treasurer
  • David for his hard work and leadership


Minutes from the Dec. 2nd board meeting were approved with one correction: The Monster Mash profit was corrected to $288 by Elaine. Wayne/Elaine accepted minutes with change noted.

Volunteer Coordinator Policy:

Theresa P. passed out the Volunteer Policy Proposal developed by the volunteer committee (Theresa P., Teresa W. and Wayne). The volunteers would open and close for the dances and in return, free dance(s) would be offered. The proposal outlined the responsibilities of the volunteers and the board member hosts for the evening.

  • Jerry: Asked why we are recruiting volunteers. Theresa explained it would help with the opening/closing process and it would mean no one would have to do it alone. It could be of assistance to those who need it to get in dances similar to a scholarship.
  • Wayne: Asked if a board member is expected to stay from opening through closing on the dances they host? At First it would be a good idea until volunteers are trained.
  • Cathy: It would be good to pair a new volunteer with an old one to help with the learning curve.
  • David: Volunteer may need to shadow first.
  • Cathy: If we were able to have 4 volunteers for each dance it would translate into $64 loss at the door.
  • Wayne: Suggested we put out a general announcement recruiting volunteers knowing that the details will evolve over time.
  • John: Thought the volunteer committee could work out how it will work and get back to the rest of the board.
  • General discussion on how many dances a volunteer would get based on shift(s) worked followed but in general it was decided that for each shift worked, a volunteer would get that dance free and one more. Would need coupon or some way for volunteers to cash in for free dance so that it could be monitored.

Motion – Made by John and seconded by Neil that we accept the volunteer policy as written. It was approved by the board. Jimmy will put information on the web site describing the policy.

Timeline – It was agreed to announce at dance tonight (1/20) with sign-up sheets at the door.

Board Perks:

Many options were discussed as to whether board members should get any perks:

  • Board members pay $50/year and get into dances free.
  • Moondance free for board members
  • “X” amount of coupons for being a board member which can be cashed in for free dances
  • Board members get same perks as volunteers for dances they open/close

Elaine – Suggested we look at how the use of volunteers affects our financial bottom-line before we offer perks to board members.

Vote – Was taken to see if Board Members should receive perks. 11 for and 1 against.


Weogo’s Rates and Rentals – Weogo has requested to be paid $20/hour to do research, repairs and errands as requested by the board. David would like to talk with Weogo to nail out details and have a written collaborative agreement and then come back to the board with this information. David will also get clarification of the mics we have (or will have) and the rental and usage arrangements we have with Weogo.

Wireless Mic – Weogo will purchase it for us per approval at the last board meeting.

Sound Insurance – Weogo itemized the sound equipment and it tallied up to $20,000. Our current insurance covers only $10,000 worth of sound equipment and Elaine asked whether we should increase it to cover its current worth. We are assuming that this would be replacement cost to get comparable equipment. A motion was made by Dwayne and seconded by Wayne that we increase our insurance to $20,000. He retracted that motion. Theresa P. made a motion and Tammy seconded it, that upon research, we get adequate insurance to cover equipment at replacement value. David will clarify whether Leon’s equipment is being used and whether it needs to be covered. All in favor/no one opposed.

Band/Booking/Callers – David asked for feedback on a couple of callers we have had call at recent dances. Discussion followed.

Nominating Committee:

John reported that we have two new ‘Youth’ chairs for the board. He stated that we need to come up with a mission for these positions. It was suggested that he and Tammy (the other committee member) work out the details and define what the seat does. Also they could suggest whether they are voting members and send email out to the other board members so we can discuss at next board meeting.

Finance Committee:

We have $9,276 in the bank account. Elaine passed out the proposed 2007 budget for us to discuss at the next board meeting. She also passed out dance attendance sheet.


Wayne reported on the work day last week that a lot was accomplished on the floor and furniture replacement. We will move ahead on the current list on upcoming work days. The next one is Saturday, Feb. 10th and again floor work will be emphasized.

Inclement Weather Policy:

Janet discussed the draft of the inclement weather policy. It was suggested that the policy be e-mailed to the board members for final comments this week.

Inappropriate Dancer Policy:

Jimmy requested that we postpone discussion of policy for ‘Inappropriate Dancers’ until the next board meeting.


The On-Line virtual sign up sheet for opening and closing was discussed. Comments that it was a great addition and was very helpful.

Monster Mash:

Cathy volunteered to co-host Monster Mash and will ask Janet to join her on this. David will still arrange the band/callers but can not be at the dance.

Board Meetings:

It was agreed to continue to do every other meeting at RF and have other meetings at the homes of board members on Friday nights or Sunday afternoons. The next meeting will be at Jimmy Smith’s house in Travelers Rest on Sunday, March 4th from 3-5:30 followed by a potluck.

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