January 2004


Board Meeting – January 10, 2004

Present: John, Roger, Janet, Ed, David, Nancy, Jimmy, Kathleen

Absent: Leon, Brenda, Carol, Emily

Host: Roger Burns

Ed welcomed and thanked board members.

Insurance: We were able to find insurance at a better price. Liability and sound equipment will be covered for $953/year. There was discussion and it was agreed that we would go with this company. It is a $100,000 policy with a $500 deductible on sound equipment. The coverage is for Harvest Moon dances and not for Leon Chapman’s personal coverage at River Falls.

Leon Issues: Grass cutting prices and other maintenance responsibilities were discussed and who is responsible for what. Decided that a couple of people would talk w/Leon to clarify issues regarding his will and the future of Harvest Moon Society. John proposed that we have a “Leon appreciation dance” but no conclusion was reached.

Finance: Nancy reported that $15,318 was in the general fund. $10,568 of that total was River Falls Lodge funds leaving an approximate balance of $4,800 for the roofing project. That did include recent insurance payment and deposits for Moon Dance.

Taxes: An appointment with an accountant has been set up for 2003 taxes. 1099 forms to those who have made more than $600 for the year need to be sent out. David had the list of those who would need the forms.

Nancy knows of someone who could fill the treasurer role for the Harvest Moon Folk Society with accounting experience. ???

Moon Dance 2004: David discussed bands for the next Moon Dance. Air Dance and Goosebone Prophets will be the bands with Cis Hinkle and Robert Cromartie sharing the calling. $500 each for the callers and for each band member will be paid. It will not be necessary to fly in a caller so we will save some money but we will cover costs to fly in Air Dance band members. Sound issues have not been worked out as of now. Weogo was paid $1900 last year. We need more clarity this year about what is included in the fees paid. Ed gave a history about sound and how it had been run in the past and some of the misunderstandings. A long discussion followed. We voted to put sound out to bid, the vote carried and we agreed we will be very specific about the amount of money paid and perks allowed. We will offer bids to Chris Blair, Allen Phillips, Wes Mallick, and Weogo Reed.

Monitor for Caller: Costs to replace the current one will be approximately $200. We voted to spend money on it if it didn’t cost more than $300. There was a problem with the sound at the last dance.

Speaker Stand: John said he would work on brackets for the front speakers. Weogo was going to help with this.

Band Payment: Much discussion on how we pay bands. Is there a higher payment for out of town bands, Ed asked? John wanted no flexibility in our payment to local or out of town bands. Ed wanted some flexibility in how we pay band members. David wondered if we could go from $75 (our minimum) to $85 minimum. John suggested we go to a $100 minimum and made a motion. Kathleen seconded it. Ed suggested that we pay $100 per band member each up to 5 band members ($500 maximum per band). We voted and it carried. David brought up further concerns and wanted a sliding scale but we didn’t vote on it.

Supplies: John said that we needed some supplies and that he would make a list. He talked about maintenance issues and a check-list for closing up after a dance. John fixed the water heater.

Campers access to bathroom: We decided it was Leon’s responsibility to deal with the campers and those details. Harvest Moon would stay out of the camping issue.

Fundraising: Kathleen talked about producing a calendar as a fundraiser for the roofing project. We voted on it. Kathleen made the motion and John seconded it. Kathleen will provide details at a later date.

Poster: David will take pictures of board members and produce a poster to be displayed at River Falls Lodge.

Adjournment: Ed adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be at Kathleen’s house on Sunday, March 28 at 4 pm.


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