March 2005


Board Meeting – March 5, 2005

Present: Ed, Jimmy, Janet, Dwayne, Tammy, David, Leon, John and Anne.

Absent: Kathleen and Nancy

Host: River Falls Lodge

Minutes from the last meeting were approved.

Ed discussed board meeting etiquette emphasizing one person speaking at a time so that each person has a chance to be heard.

Finance Committee:

Checking Account

Roof Fund: $17, 982.00

Harvest Moon: 9,700.00 approx.

TOTAL $27,682.00

The family rate was discussed and was tabled for now per David.

Volunteer Committee: Ed suggested changing the name of the Volunteer Committee to 
RFL Opening /Closing Committee. Dwayne suggested we enlist the help of the dance community to be on this committee. Leon volunteered to be the chair. No action was taken.

Board Meetings: Dwayne asked whether it was possible to have open board meetings. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Tammy to make board meetings open to the public and Leon seconded it. Dwayne suggested we announce it on the web site and have a contact person if we want one.

Publicity/Outreach Committee: Jimmy talked about having a bulletin board on the web site on River Falls projects and renovations as well as general discussions to get the community involved. The fee is $30 every three months. If it doesn’t work, we can discontinue. There could be a Question/Answer section….someone would need to monitor this part and instructions for use would need to be included on the site.

Band and Caller Committee:

Band Payment: Currently it is $100 per band member up to 5 members (or $500 per band minimum) but there was discussion to making it $400 per band minimum. A vote of 7-4 in favor of keeping a $500 per band minimum.

Band Selection: David solicits help with opinions on bands.

Newcomers: Discussed talking with the caller before the dance asking him/her to gauge the calls to the level of those at the dance…as we have had a lot of new people, the caller should be mindful of their needs. David will address these concerns beforehand (via email) with the callers.

Building Committee:

Roofing Project: John said that he got one roofing estimate but it is greater than the roofing fund amount. John will get a list of quotes and options and will bring to next board meeting. He said the roofing project could be done in two weeks without volunteers. It was agreed that the project would be completed before Oct 1 (in the Aug. 21-Oct. 1 timeframe).

Water: The need for a plan for better water was discussed. Water jugs need to be sanitized (Clorox) or do a different water distribution system. Leon will work on.

Admission: We will wait to talk about reduced admission rate at another meeting.

Moondance Committee: David talked about getting the word out about camping during Moondance as all the sites are reservable using the on-line reservation system. And there may be a need to reserve places before the flyer is mailed out. It was suggested we put on the web site the dates of the Moondance (9/9-9/11) with a link to reserve camping. David will reserve 15 overflow sites. The next Moondance meeting is March 27th at John’s house. In the future sites can be reserved 11 months in advance.

Nominating Committee: Serving on the committee is Leon, David and Kathleen. We have one vacancy on the board and it was brought up we should present of a list of candidates at the next meeting in May and vote on a new member.

Non-Profit Status: Ed applied for a non-profit status with the CDSS and talked with the accountant. We would be an affiliated chapter of the CDSS. They will get back with us in 2-3 weeks.

T-Shirt Swap: John said that Jonathan Gilbert from the Asheville Old Farmer’s Ball has t-shirts for sale. He said we could have a reciprocal arrangement at each other’s dances to sell t-shirts and split the profit. It was agreed we can try to send a few shirts to Asheville in exchange for their bring some down here. John made the motion and Tammy seconded it.

Adjournment: Ed adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be on Saturday, May 21st at River Falls Lodge from 3-5 pm (before the dance).

Future meeting: July 17th (Sunday) at Dwayne Plaisted’s house in Travelers Rest at 4 pm with potluck afterwards.



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