May 2003


Board Meeting – May 16, 2003

Place: Gale Oliphant’s home

Present: Gale Oliphant, Chris Bueker, David White, Ed Edmondson
Laurel Horton, Jimmy Smith

Absent: Brenda, Emily, Roger, Nancy, Leon

Meeting opened with board approving minutes from last meeting.

We had a discussion about whether or not we had a quorum in order to complete business because we did not have 2/3 of the board present. Ed told us Nancy had given him a written proxy to vote for her. Gale informed board that Emily had given her verbal proxy to vote for her. Laurel read Article 3, Section 12 from the by-laws concerning having a quorum to conduct business. We discussed encouraging members to inform the board if they will not be able to attend, and if possible to give a written proxy to someone to vote for them. It is not a requirement, but is definitely encouraged. Ed will e-mail this info to all board members.

Laurel brought up ideas about what the minutes should include. She stated that she has models of minutes that could be followed for better clarity. Laurel felt there should be more details, especially on actions and voting. Also, last names should be included in the minutes. It was decided that a notebook including a compilation of all the board meeting minutes should be put together and kept by the secretary. This should be made available at each meeting in case someone needs to refer to previous minutes.

Ed opened the floor to revisions and questions about the bylaws. The only item discussed was the possibility of the board having a smaller number of members or making the quorum a lower number of members. It was decided that 12 is a workable number and for now will stand as is. The bylaws have been accepted and approved as they stand. Laurel will send a copy of the final revision to all members.

The nominating committee reported a need to come up with names for future board members. Copies of the board profile form will be provided to the committee so that prospective members can fill them out. This will make it helpful for the selection process, and also let board members know who might want to serve. By the next meeting, nominating committee will come up with a list of names and edit them before presenting them to the rest of the board for a vote. There was some discussion about whether or not gender balancing is important on the board. It is not critical, but it is desirable to have a balance of women and men as well as new and experienced dancers. David nominated John Bryson and will ask him if he would like to serve on the board. Board also reviewed the schedule of board rotations and members signed up for rotation.

Finance committee: There is $9000 in the bank at this time. Nancy needs year end tax forms for nonprofit. Laurel agreed to look into finding those forms.

Moondance: David reported that the Moondance meeting went well. Several volunteers filled in the missing slots.

Monster Mash: Chris offered to take on coordinating the organization for MM this year. Ed will assist him in order to learn what goes into it for next year. We need to find out how much the Charlotte group will be willing to do. The barn was reserved for October 25th and Hot Point is committed to be at RFL on Nov. 1st. There was in depth discussion about the pros and cons of moving the dance to RFL this year as an experiment. Vote carried to have the dance at RFL on November 1st. We will consider renting large tents and port-a-johns. We will probably sell reserved tickets ahead of time in order to limit the number of dancers there Saturday night. Ed will talk to Leon about the camping situation there. We will consider options for filling in the time between the dances with waltz, etc.

Volunteer committee will be responsible for making sure a board member is signed up to open and close the dances. Ed will forward list to Gale to coordinate.

New RFL T-shirts! We should try to get rid of the old shirts by selling them for $1 or $2. We will sell new ones for $15 starting at the next dance. Gale and Chris will work on displaying them. The cost and profits for the sale of these shirts will all go to the RFL renovation fund.

Benefit dance: We have callers lined up, need more bands to donate time. David will check to see if sound is donated. Leon will donate rent since the benefit is to raise money for the building fund.

Publicity: Jimmy reported – He recommends using the Harvest Moon logo as much as possible on everything we put out. This will help with publicity because of “brand recognition”. Motion carried to use logo when feasible.

Facilities: Committee should keep track of and coordinate getting supplies. Gale has agreed to purchase paper plates and napkins and take them to next dance.

Ed moved to close meeting.


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