October 10, 2009

HMFS Board Meeting of 10.10.09 at Jennie Wakefield’s home.

Board Members present:  Paul, Catherine Steve, Jennie, June, Tamara, Jen, Marenda, Wayne.


(These minutes recorded by Steve Simmons)

The meeting was opened with acknowledgments for attendance and Jenny as host.

The minutes from the 9/20 meeting were read, motion to accept by Tamara and seconded by David

Wayne began with a few comments:


His meeting goals will be to encourage participation.

The motion process should follow Robert’s Rules of Order. He prefers that motions be prepared prior to the meeting, written and copies brought to the meeting, with emailing copies as an option.


No format for the motions, stressed flexibility in crafting them.

Order of business should be: 1. Acknowledgments; 2. Old Business; 3. Committee reports; 4 New Business

Committee chairs should come prepared, possibly with written copies, or state “No Report”.


Committee Reports:

Treasurer – preliminary Moon Dance – still some remaining expenses and income.

Elaine – need to reserve MD 2010 barn and sites, subject to meeting with the park superintendent

Governance – no report

Nominating – Tamara asked everyone to watch for new potential candidates for the board, or at least those who may be willing to sit on a committee.


(These minutes taken by Catherine Scott)


Signing up for committees –look and see if you wish to be on a committee. Wayne passed around the committee list. David mentioned that he would be interested in letting someone learn the ropes about getting bands and callers.


Volunteers:  Need to get more, make more announcements. Steve mentioned the difficulty of signing up for a volunteer slot. Wayne said there are some difficulties with the website. June said she does not like the way it is set up now.    Need to make contact with Wayne and Jimmy.


Facilities Maintenance:  Purchase River Falls if the possibility came to us?

There is a person in our dance community who is interested in supporting the dance community. He is looking for an investment. He was discussing building a new dance hall. David mentioned possibly going in on usto purcha

Proxy and motion (June, presenting motion from Frank) Establishing credit, Catherine 2nd.

Frank is concerned about capital improvements. He is concerned about Scott’s lack of responsibility and our situations with doing repairs,etc. David mentioned that he sent out an email giving the history of the lodge, Leon, etc.  There were concerns that we would enter into a debt relationship without getting any payment back. There are many questions. Let’s turn our questions to Wayne and he will further the discussion with Frank. There was a unanimous vote of no.


 David is still trying to get in touch with Scott. Scott is still unresponsive. He is behind on his property taxes. David is encouraging him to pay them, since we have a significant interest. If they can meet, a lease, repairs, who will pay (the process) and then, would he like to sell. 

Wayne was able to get in contact with Bill Whalen, a non-profit attorney. He is interested in helping us with legal advice..


Hotline—there have been problems with us making the hotline work.

The hotline is now up to date. One problem is the short 30-second time period. Jimmy will now be doing it, using a text service for hearing impaired persons. He will write it, they will say it. The purpose of the phone was for our liability, to be able to cancel a dance in the event of bad weather.

Band/caller booking—David and Jennie. No news. Give David feedback.

Band and caller lodging—Dwayne used to be the coordinator. Consider having a ready list of what board members can offer in terms of housing.


Where will we keep the old soundboard. David suggested putting it in the storage unit. We will do that for now. We need a new inventory.

PR—Jimmy is doing Yahoo, Anna is doing Facebook, Jennie edits Jimmy’s text. David still manages Yahoo?

Y dance emergency dance at St. Mark’s Y floor was not ready. 


David asked Catherine to get up to snuff with John on sound equipment, etc.


Back to Y dance

Jennie has looked at the statistics. She is able to look at the pattern and would like to create a review team to figure out what the Y dance should look like in the future. The committee will consist of Steve Simmons, Jennie Wakefield, and some non-board committee members. Someone will eventually need to be in charge.

Moondance—follow up –keeping better notes, making up orders for next year. Sound was great (under sound).

Wayne—BB&T. they have a way for  folks to pay for MoonDance online. We will have to pay for the service. We have to pay about $200 for setup. Then there is a $10/month. There is also a percentage taken out.

Monster Mash-special committee—June has plenty of people to help her on the committee. Kathleen and Dwayne will be bringing lunch. There was some discussion about the cost. David discussed the formula used for paying the band. Consider the total number of shares. Advertising was discussed. Who would purchase the gag gifts; who will be the committee to decide who will give the awards. 


St Marks’ Dance—check out the floor! Watch out for the furniture! Will the stage be clean?

New Logo suggested by Jimmy. No specific reason why, will look into that more.



We all communicate by email. Do we all get the emails? We need to start making some contact by phone, getting confirmation by a live voice. Don’t assume someone is getting your email unless they respond. Wayne now has a new email, gmail account.

Next meeting,

December 5  3:00-5:30, then opening after. Potluck. June is opening that night. An email reminder will be sent.


Present—Wayne, David, Jen, Jennie, Paul, Tamara, Marenda, Steve, June, Catherine


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