October 2006


Board Meeting – October 1, 2006

Present: David, Jimmy, Teresa W., Wayne, Janet, Tammy, Neil, Elaine, Dwayne, John

Absent: Theresa, Jerry

Guest: Joann Bryson


Welcome to newest board member, Jerry Vice.  David has included him on the email list.

Gate Closing Incident

The gate at River Falls was accidentally left open, and remained open until Leon discovered it on one of his trips down to RF. Leon was very upset. David asked that all Board members make extra efforts to make sure that the gate is locked after every dance.

Minutes from last meeting

Minutes from last meeting were approved (motion made by Wayne and seconded by Dwayne). John suggested having headers at the top of each page for the minutes and agenda when they are multiple pages.

For the record Elaine has no “e” in Robson and Wayne has no “s” in Richard.


The slate of officers were approved by the board (motion made by Wayne to accept all officers as presented, seconded by Tammy):

President – David White

Vice President – John Bryson

Secretary – Teresa Wilson

Treasurer – Elaine Robson

For the record, Janet will take the minutes in the event Teresa is not able to attend a meeting.

Janet, John and Dwayne were up for re-election. Wayne made a motion to re-elect all three for another 3 years. The floor was open for discussion, with the only question, if all three had agreed to re-election. All three relayed their desire for re-election by email to David. Tammy seconded the motion. All approved.

Monster Mash

Gratitude was expressed to Tammy for the design/mailing of the flyer. To date, Janet has received registration for 38 men and 53 women. Confirmations have been to sent to all the men and 48 of the women, in order to maintain a gender balance. After discussion, it was agreed that having 5-10 extra women should not present a problem. Concern was expressed that maybe we should open the dance up to walk-ins dance night since we have so few registered. David is confident we will have enough.

David, Wayne, Elaine, Peter, Janet, Jimmy, John, and Tammy committed to set-up/decorate and will meet at 10 AM at RFL to set-up/decorate for the 2 pm dance. John will find somewhere else to hang the moon. Joann will bring lunch from The Pita House. She will also purchase gag gifts. Joann and David have agreed to emcee! David and Wayne and any other volunteers will close.

Footloose is the band for Monster Mash.

Elaine (corn stalks) and Tammy (pumpkins) will provide additional decorations along w/ those in the storage shed.

Wayne will be responsible for the coffee and tea.

Needed from storage: coffee pots, dressing room, tent (?) mural.

Nominating Committee

Committee comprised of John, Tammy and Wayne. Currently no nominees. Three vacancies are available. Suggested to begin collecting applications from those interested to create a pool for future selections. It was suggested that applicants include a photo so we can put a name with a face for those we are not familiar with. Several names of people who have expressed an interest were given to John.


Elaine reported a bank balance of $15,000. Moondance generated $3000. A handout was given of the expenses to date vs the budget to date. Some of the additional expenses we’ve incurred that were not anticipated are mowing, septic tank repair and purchase of the tent.

The average number of dancers per dance so far in 2006 is 176. Someone raised the question about potential impact of the move to 3 dances per month on attendance. We will look at this question after more data.


Generated $3000 this year. Details will be given at the Moondance meeting immediately following the board meeting today.


Until Leon’s illness, he was responsible for the mowing. Since then, we have been making sure that mowing was done – either by us or by paying others. We agreed to continue paying for mowing by a local mower (Randy), until the tractor is fixed. Currently we are paying $150 per mow – Randy has not always been complete w/ weed eating so we may have to weed around the fence and other areas. Roger has ordered parts and has the key to the tractor.

It was suggested that David let Leon know how much we are paying him each month for the dances and also let him know how much we have been paying for maintenance etc. Elaine will provide David with the information.

Wayne plans to finish up some lighting and water problems on 21 October 06, which was also designated as a work day to continue on the list Wayne originally sent out via email 25 June 06. Wayne will prioritize the list and send to the board.

It was also suggested to re-label the switches on the circuit breaker box.


Jimmy stated he had asked Wayne to be added to the by-law committee and Wayne agreed. There were no objections from the board.

Volunteer Co-ordination

No report given. Elaine mentioned that we have been discussing incentives for volunteers for about a year and that its about time for action. David would like to have a proposal at the next meeting (Dec) from the Volunteer committee [Theresa and Teresa] that includes logistics and details on offering free entrance to dances in exchange for helping us do certain tasks before/during/after the dances. This also could apply to helping with mowing the grass.

Jimmy stated that we need board members to open and close the dances in November, January, February and March. 


Everyone gave David a big thumbs up for booking and selecting the bands!!

Crowds/Dance instruction

David will work on updating the guidelines and we will revisit at next meeting.


After a discussion on the pros and cons of having non-dancers pay at the door, Tammy made a motion that we suggest a half-price donation from non-dancers (those who choose to only listen to the music), 14 and older, on dance nights. Neil seconded. All approved.

After a brief discussion on the remaining three policies, Tammy made a motion that these policies be accepted as is:
1- Band member spouses pay to dance
2- Full price for latecomers (after break)
3- Students (18 and over) pay the same as adults.

Dwayne seconded. All approved.

Due to lack of time, policy clarification for inappropriate dancers was tabled until the next meeting.

Tammy will be printing No Smoking signs for the Lodge. Teresa is getting together a waste (butt) receptacle.


Nothing new to report at this time.

Mauldin Dance Hall

David suggested we handle this via email with a summary.

River Falls Purchase Update

Due to time, the brief discussion was limited to giving David, Wayne, Teresa and Elaine the go ahead to develop a purchase contract for Board approval and submission to Leon. Once submitted to Leon, then we can resume the negotiations.


Elaine suggested we talk with Weogo about leaving the start money in a secure location at RFL so that it will be there for the next dance and will be easily retrievable. Board members will be notified of where and when this will start.

Next Meeting

02 December 2006 @ RFL 3:30p-5:30p

Respectfully submitted: 06 October 2006

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