September 22, 2007


Board Meeting: September 22, 2007

River Falls Lodge

Present: David White, Tammy Miller, Dwyane Pliested, Teresa Wilson, Wayne Richard, John Bryson, Jerry Vice, Jimmy Smith, Catherine Scott, Jennifer Whiting.

Absent: Theresa Pizzuto, Neil Cross, Jennie Wakefield, Elaine Robson.

Meeting began at 3:15 pm.


David thanked welcomed our newest board members: Jennie Wakefield and Jennifer Whiting.
Thanked Wayne for effort and time into finishing up with the well pump, etc.
Thanked Jennie for volunteering to be Y Dance committee chair and John for organizing and implementing sound attenuation at the Y.
Thanked Dwayne for volunteering to fill in the gaps in hosting the past couple of months.
Thanked Jimmy for organizing and becoming our new host co-ordinator (so unhosted dances don’t fall through the hole!)
And especially a big thanks to the Moondance co-chairs, Theresa and Wayne, and everyone who helped with Moondance this year.
David was acknowledged with his leadership and recycling efforts at Moondance.


Dwayne moved to accept the minutes of the last meeting. Wayne seconded. All approved.


Y dance minimum for one special occasion. A notice was sent via email whether to pay $100 minimum to a 4 person band that will be touring the southeast this winter and playing at the Y Dance. After discussion, Wayne made a motion to pay special touring bands (4 person bands) at the Y Dance a $100 minimum. Jerry seconds. Concerns were: there be a limitation on the number of “special” bands so that we stay within the financial aspects as a whole. Yes – 10; No- 2; Absentia -1. Motion passes.

Donation to Clemson Dance. The Clemson Contra Dance Club requested a one time donation of $125 to help pay hall rental for the October dance. Waynes moved we make a one time donation of $125 to the Clemson Contra Dance Club. Dwayne seconds. All approve.

Board Elections

David and Tammy terms on the board are expiring. Both stated they would like to remain on the board. Dwyane moved to re-elect David and Tammy. Wayne seconds. All approve and Tammy and David are re-elected to the board.Theresa Pizzuto has made it known that she cannot serve on the board at full capacity (i.e, host dances and attend meetings) and David agreed to get the boards input on whether it was best to continue on the board but be less involved OR resign from the board and be available for election as an Ex-officio member. All agreed [but no official vote] that she could serve on the Board as an Ex-officio member. [David’s note: Theresa can now formally resign and someone at the next board meeting can make a motion to make Theresa an ex-officio Board member.]

The floor was opened for nomination of officers. The following slate was approved and will be voted on at the next meeting.

President: David White (Wayne moved)
Vice President: John Bryson (Wayne moved)
Secretary: Teresa Wilson (Jerry moved)
Treasurer: Elaine Robson (Dwayne moved)


Jerry reported on the finances for Elaine.

Moondance – 26 camping sites were not used at a loss of ~$550. However, so far we have netted ~$4800 (as of today). This includes the loss on camping, but there are a few more outstanding bills that have not been turned in (or reimbursed).

Our total losses on dances (Jan – mid Sept 2007) is ~$3000. Most of this is from the Y Dance and the Sunday special dances. Only a couple of the Friday advance dances have lost money.

Bank total is ~$21,000. In October will be paying $6000 for Moondance 08 camping and pavilion rental.

Other Dances

Y Dance
Agreed to support through January (we’re booked through Jan) and will re-evaluate then. Have spend $70 advertising in Furman’s student newspaper.
John needs help with hanging sound attenuation, etc. He wants to do it before the next dance.
Publicity continues
John wants HMFS to get a cut of the Y dollars before paying band and caller (though not feasible at this time)
Jerry moved to raise fees at Y to ($8 for 18 and over, $5 for 14-17). Wayne seconds. Yes – 10; No -3. Motion passes.
After discussion, Wayne moved we give dance a year [before we raise fees or what??] (April 07-April 08) and reassess at that point. Catherine seconded. Yes – 10; Abstention – 1.

Crossnore Benefit Dance
This is the benefit dance in honor of Leon. No date set as of today.

Some have expressed an interest in supporting new callers and local bands. One way of doing this is having community night, providing these folks an avenue of gaining experience. No definitive plans as of now.

Greenville Library Benefit dance at the Y 20 Feb (Wed).
This is a free dance open to all to support one of the libraries programs. They library has the money allocated and will pay for dance hall, caller, band, and sound personnel. Jimmy moved that we partner with the library for this dance. Wayne seconds. All approve.

Monster Mash
Catherine is the chair. Needs help with decorating, setting up the morning of the dance. Chris Bueker will emcee, John/Joanne are purchasing “gifts”, Tammy will do flyer, Janet is handling registration and Wayne is in charge of setting up the tent.


Wayne plans for a work day possibly in November and announce.
Jerry provided a schematic for new road signs to be placed on US 25 and SC 11. Tammy and Dwayne will help with artwork and construction.
Jerry provided information for the installation of at least two outdoor water fountains. He and Wayne will work out details and give a definite plan at the next meeting.


Weogo has been in touch with David and others that some of the sound equipment is need of repair/replacement. The digital speaker processor has broken and it will cost almost as much to repair it as to buy an upgraded, newer model. John moved purchasing a new digital speaker processor. Wayne seconded. Dwayne calls the question. None oppose. Jerry requests that Weogo give us more details about the state of the equipment (what he anticipates is going to need to replaced/repaired in the next year.)

Dwayne volunteers to start and chair a sound committee. He suggested we allocate $200/month for sound that Weogo can use as his discretion without asking the board for money. No vote or approval was given for this because of time limitations.

Nominating Committee

John wants feedback/comments on the Youth Representative draft that he handed out.

Next Meeting

David White’s house, 16 Nov 2007, 6pm potluck, 7pm meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 6:05 pm

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