Admission to regular dances: Ages 14 and above– $10 cash; under 14 free if accompanied and supervised by a paying individual 16 or older. No coins please!
Are you a beginner? We strongly encourage you to attend our FREE beginner classes before every dance. Class starts at 7:30 PM. This is your chance to learn the basics of Contra dancing or just refresh what you know.
Please park completely on the grass. We want to make the roads clear for emergency vehicles to be able to easily get through. We also do not want to have any problems with the law. If possible, car pool to save on parking space. Thank you for your attention on this matter.
CAMPING is available on the grounds for $5 per person. Showers and bathrooms are available.
Check out our potluck dinner! We will periodically host potlucks before or after special events such as the Monster Mash dance or board meetings, but will announce them ahead of time, so stay posted and/or sign up to receive notification through the Yahoo Groups email updates.
Consider serving a term (or two) on our board. Harvest Moon Folk Society is always looking for a few good folks who would help give back to the contra dancing community. More information from any board member, or at the entry desk at any RFL dance. Please fill out the Board Application form to join our dedicated group of volunteers.