
  • Each committee is chaired by a Board member and may include non-board members.
  • Committee decisions and actions are not official until approved by the Board.
  • The Board authorizes committee expenditures (may also pre-approve).
  • The Board approves (or pre-approves) public statements about committee decisions.
  • Committee chairs are responsible for scheduling meetings and for maintaining contact, as needed, between committee members and other committee chairs.
  • Committee chairs are responsible for providing a written report of activities to the Board.

Band/Caller Booking: Gathers recommendations and promotional materials of bands and callers for regular dances; negotiates arrangements; provides travel/lodging information; coordinates bookings with other regional sponsors when appropriate.

Band/Caller Lodging: Arranges lodging for visiting bands and callers

CityDance: Coordinates all activities involved in managing and promoting CityDance. This includes regular communication with the current HMFS booker who will schedule the host, band, caller, and sound person.

Facilities: Ensures that the physical facilities used for HMFS-sponsored events are safe and comfortable. Makes recommendations to the board of needed repairs, maintenance, or upgrades required. Seeks out and evaluates facilities for additional HMFS-sponsored events, in coordination with the Outreach committee. Makes sure there are adequate hall and potluck supplies.

Finance: Develops effective procedures for HMFS financial activities. Maintains bank accounts and financial records; files required financial documents; collects income and disburses at dances; monitors the organization’s financial position and keeps board members informed.

Governance: Revises and updates bylaws and policies as needed. Advises the board as needed regarding meeting protocol etc.

Moondance: Coordinates all activities and volunteers needed to plan, develop, and implement this annual festival. It is assumed that all board members will participate actively in these events.

Nominating: Develops and maintains a pool of potential board members. Presents names to the board for election. Nominates (and recommends as candidates to be voted on) new and returning members in such a manner that maintains as much diversity of gender, age, geography, experience, skills and other characteristics as is practical.

Public Relations and Outreach: Communicates and promotes information about HMFS dances and activities through print and electronic media to dancers in the Southeast Region. Creates and develops additional publicity materials as requested by Board members. Organizes, maintains, and provides dance information resources in print, audiovisual and online formats for the dance and non-dance communities.

Special Events: Coordinates all activities and volunteers needed to plan, develop, and implement events including Monster Mash, benefit dances and other events other than regular dances and Moondance.

Sound: Maintains inventory and ownership lists of all sound equipments. Backup sound technicians when needed and run sound system in emergencies. Makes recommendations for upgrading and replacing sound equipment as well as sound attenuation at all HMFS dance venues. Responsible for having sound at all dances (RFL and Y).