Novemeber 2004


Board Meeting – November 6, 2004

Present: John, Roger, Janet, Ed, David, Nancy, Jimmy, Kathleen, Leon

Absent: Brenda, Carol, Emily

Host: River Falls

Minutes from the last meeting were approved.

Officers: There was discussion about officers for next year. David was nominated for Vice President since Brenda has resigned the board. Ed made the motion and Leon seconded it. The other officers were approved at the last board meeting.

The officer slate for next year includes:

· Ed Edmondson, President

· David White: Vice President

· Nancy Woods, Treasurer

· Janet Swell, Secretary

The Retiring Board Members:

· Roger Burns

· Emily Dunford

· Carol Ball

· Brenda Swearington

Nominating Committee (David, Leon and Kathleen): A list of possible board members was presented and the nominating committee is going to approach them to see if they would be willing to serve on the board. New members would need a copy of bylaws, committees and sign-ups for covering the dances. A poster still needs to be done board members…will ask a new member to take care of that.

Decorations for Monster Mash: Leon said there was not a good selection at Big Lots for next year’s dance.

Finance: Nancy Reported.

Monster Mash:

Registration: $2,875.00

Expenses: 2,187.00

TOTAL Profit $ 678.00 ($576 to the roof fund)

Checking Account:

Roof Fund : $15,859.32

Harvest Moon: 12,401.87

TOTAL $28, 261.19

Bylaws: Available for review. Need to vote on a second term for board members Ed Edmondson and David White. Vote was taken and it was approved.

Supplies in back corner of River Falls. Someone needs to organize, inventory and label boxes. Contents need to be labeled on boxes. Joe Woods, who Nancy says would be interested, was nominated to handle this task.

Beginner Dancers: Ed suggested that we focus on welcoming them and encourage them to attend the lessons at 7:30 on dance nights. Some suggestions were brought up as to what to include in the beginners lessons:

1. Talk to them about moving to the beat of the music.

2. Discuss the orientation of the contra lines

3. Talk about giving weight and to staying on the same course.

4. Let caller know if there are a lot of newcomers so he/she can be aware.

5. Those that give lessons should dance at least once with those we teach.

Publicity: Jimmy suggested we contact the Furman paper and place an ad about upcoming contra dances. WNCW has community service announcements and we could put our dances on there as well. Jimmy was given the ok to proceed with placing the ads. Chris Buecker has said he would be willing to put together the email announcements of the dances to the email list serve. Emily also volunteered to continue doing the announcements. There was some discussion and David will confirm with Chris.


· David talked about having a New Year’s dance on January 1st. It was agreed that we would have one and David will look for a band and a caller for the evening dance.

· Nancy discussed the dance finances and whether we had to subsidize recent dances. Whether we had a loss depended on the size of the band in some cases. We will discuss at a future meeting whether we want to pay band members as we have been or change the formula when we have over 4 band members.

· Calculator: Leon said he would bring a calculator to River Falls so that the form can be more easily filled out at the individual dances.

End of Year Report: Ed will work on for next meeting.

Adjournment: Ed adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be on Sunday, Jan. 16th at Ed Edmondson’s house in Seneca.

4:00 pm Meeting
6:00 pm Potluck

Actions taken since Nov.6

Anne Merkel, Dwayne Plaisted and Tammy Miller approved as new board members. Will decide on January 16 whose unexpired term each will fill.

December 4 – Approved $1,000 for Weogo Reed to buy a signal processor for Harvest Moon.


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