June 9, 2007


Board Meeting: June 9, 2007

Present: David White, Tammy Miller, Dwayne Plaisted, Teresa Wilson, Wayne Richard, John Bryson, Jerry Vice, Jimmy Smith, Catherine Scott, Theresa Pizzuto

Absent: Neil Cross

Guest: Scott McCall. Kathryn McDeed (came in about half-way through the meeting.)


David expressed gratitude for the following.

  • Thanks to Teresa for preparing the beginners dance brochure and Tammy for printing.
  • Thanks to all who helped make the advance dance a success.
  • Thanks to Theresa and Wayne for co-chairing the Moondance committee
  • Thanks to Wayne and Scott for contracting a regular grass cutter.


Motion: Wayne makes a motion to approve minutes from the last board meeting. Theresa seconds. All approved.


Jimmy asks that policy issues that are decided upon between meetings be addressed right after the approval of the last meeting’s minutes.

Policy for minimum shares: Since the last meeting via email we agreed to a minimum of $135 per share for advance dances.

Motion: John makes the motion that we pay a minimum of $135 per share for advance dances. Wayne seconds. All approve.

Policy on pets: Currently pets are not allowed in the dance hall. It was discussed as to whether or not pets would be allowed on the RFL property due to recent problems of pets wandering in.

Motion: John makes the motion reaffirming that pets are not allowed in the building, and are to be leashed and under the control of the owner at all times. Tammy seconds. All approve.


Scott assured us that he has every intent of following Leon’s wishes and maintaining RFL and the dance community. He states that he is always open for questions and suggestions. He wants to maintain a positive working relationship with the Board and the dance community at large.

His current plans are to draw up a rental agreement for us and to clean up the property, that is get rid of a lot of the stuff around and including the bus. Currently there is no property insurance on the lodge and Scott is arranging for that.

Scott encourages other activities at RFL and will keep us informed of other activities at RFL.

Tribute to Leon

Tabled. Will discuss at next meeting.


Scott has had the electric bill switched to his name/address.

The grass has been worked out. A local guy will be cutting twice a month. He will include weed-eating as well.

John is working on problems with the well.

No work days are currently scheduled.

Wayne mentioned some of the structural problems that need to be fixed. Scott suggested that Wayne and David get with him to show him all the problems that need attention.

Weogo would like more electrical work for the speakers, etc.

Wayne will come up with idea for locking bathroom doors.


Elaine was out of town, so no financial report.

Inappropriate dancing

There have been recent complaints about a male dancer from numerous females. He has been made aware twice in the past that women consider his behavior inappropriate during dancing. There was much discussion and several recommendations.

Policy: inappropriate behavior is not acceptable

Motion: Theresa makes the motion to suspend this dancer for 4 months. She and David offered to spend some time working with this individual to help him better understand what inappropriate dancing. Teresa seconds.

Discussion: Some felt 4 months was too long and that 2 months was more acceptable. Some felt that this individual could learn what he needed to dance more appropriately within two months. And if he continues the inappropriate behavior he will be permanently barred from dancing at any HMFS dance.

This motion was defeated.

Motion: Tammy makes the motion to suspend this individual for 2 months and be given the option and encouragement to meet with David and Theresa to work through some of the issues regarding proper behavior on the dance floor. If inappropriate behavior continues after he returns he will be indefinitely suspended. Jerry seconds.

Discussion: Some felt that this individual has caused too much damage already. Will he be warned that he will be constantly watched at dances? Tammy calls the question. All are in favor of being ready to vote.

Motion passes with 6 yes; 4 no; and 1 abstain.

David reminds all that during the announcements at break to include

Remind everyone about RFL being a safe environment to dance and if any problems please bring it to the board’s attention, including inappropriate behavior,” and to not be timid about addressing this issue. We need to tell it like it is.

All our dances

Everyone agrees we’re ok with the number of dances we’re currently having.

For opening and closing, anyone new or who does not feel comfortable opening and closing has the option of shadowing someone who knows the process, until you feel confident.

For potluck at the Saturday dances, we will currently leave as is.

Y dance is doing well. We’re not subsidizing too much. Jennie would like $50 per dance to host after June. We will defer to next meeting.

Sunday dances are traditionally not as well attended as other special dances, so there is some concern of losing too much money. Since we only have Sunday dances as special dances where a touring band is coming through and that’s the only time we can schedule them, they are considered special dances, as they are infrequent (only 3 this year)

The advance dance last night (8 June) was a success! Many of the dancers who have stopped dancing in the past couple of years were back!

Benefit dance – “Healing the Wounds of War.” Kathy McDeed is working with the Upstate Coalition of Compassion for benefits to raise monies for an Iraqi child who will be in Greenville later in the summer for fitting of leg prosthesis. The dance will be at the Y and Kathy has inquired to whether HMFS wanted to be a co-sponsor. As co-sponsor we would help with the dance by providing logistical support for those who wanted to volunteer and providing sound equipment. Kathy has already made arrangements with the bands, caller and sound person.

Policy: to co-sponsor benefit dances

Motion: John makes a motion to co-sponsor the dance. Theresa seconds. The motion passes with 8 yes, 2 abstain.

Wedding dances will be allowed use of the sound equipment at the rate or $100 per event. There was general agreement that this was acceptable.

Nominating committee

John presented three names as potential board members:

Jennifer Whiting

Willie Bender

June Glenn

We deferred voting until the next meeting.

Next Meeting

Jerry Vice’s house: potluck @ 7 pm followed by the meeting.

Minutes submitted by the Secretary,
Teresa Wilson
10 July 2007

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