October 9, 2010



October 9th, 2010 at River Falls Lodge 3:00-5:30PM

Present: Wayne Richard, Minty Norris, Tamara McGovern, Frank Farmer, June Glenn, Anna Rowe

Welcome and Acknowledgements: Wayne

President’s Report: Wayne
• Meeting Goals: involvement, focus, brevity, consideration, accomplishment
Old Business:
• Scott McCall Relationship: Wayne
Scott has been concerned about the number of people camping and not paying the fee. HMFS is
considering ways that Scott can manage the camping situation at River Falls Lodge.
• RFL Taxes: have been paid
• Vote Treasurer’s Report of August 19, 2010
The board viewed Marenda’s report from August. The income and expenses are about even at this
time. We are operating in the “black”, but only by a small margin.
The motion to accept the report was made, seconded, and had unanimous approval by the board.

Treasurer’s Report/Finance Committee:
The third quarter of 2010 bottom line was good, partly due to Moondance. YTD profit = $7.418.
There was some discussion about the greater income vs. expense from the CityDance. Wayne
clarified that some of the money was carried over from 2009 and a benefit dance. Tamara made a
motion, second and unanimous approval by the board.
Governance Committee:
No report with Steve’s absence.

Nominating committee:
• Maggie Brown, Hank Czubek,
June Glenn moved that Maggie Brown be elected to the board of HMFS. There was a unanimous
pass/approval by the board.
June Glenn moved that Hank Czubek be elected to the board of HMFS. There was a unanimous pass/
approval by the board.
• Wayne mentioned electing officers to the board, but Frank suggested that we move officer elections
to the next board meeting.
• The time came up to re-elect Frank Farmer and June Glenn to the board for their second term.
Tamara made a motion to re-elect June Glenn to the board. Unanimous approval from the board.
June made a motion to re-elect Frank Farmer to the board. Unanimous approval from the board.

Volunteer committee:
There have not been many volunteers for dances recently. Anna mentioned finding as many outlets
as possible to announce the volunteer opportunities and contacts (June Glenn). We will try to get it as a
newsfeed/banner on the website, on the monthly dance print out flyer, on the e-blast, and again through
announcements at the dances.

Facilities Maintenance:
Frank reported on dusting the lodge. It took about a day with he and Harriette and they cleaned the
fans as well as the dusting most noticeable areas of the Lodge.
The board discussed window plastic. We will look at the forecast to decide when to get the plastic

Band/caller booking and Host reminding:

Tamara has booked with bands (and mostly callers) for the rest of 2010 and through April of 2011.
The host sign-up sheet was passed around and Tamara thanked the board for their willingness to
sign up and host.

Band/caller lodging coordinator:
Keith asked Wayne to check with the board on those who have not responded to Keith about hosting bands. Everyone has responded who Keith had not previously heard from.

Sound committee:
Frank attended the South East Dance Leadership Conference last weekend. He took sound classes to learn about what it takes to run sound and communicate with Weogo. He will now be able
to help take steps to improve the HMFS sound system.

PR and outreach committee:
Anna will work with the newspaper this week to get publication out about the City Dances. Wayne
reminded the board to keep the name of the dance the “City Dance” instead of the Landmark Hall
dance in the event that the venue changes.
Steve keeps up with the website and Wayne keeps up with the hotline and eblast (yahoo). Tamara
manages the schedule for the website with bands, callers, etc.

The board talked about changing the share schedule as compared to River Falls, since we are not
sure that they can be equal dances. We are somewhat reliant on Saturday night dances to
underwrite smaller dances, yet we want to be consistent in keeping with our mission to provide
dances for the community.
We are booked through November with bands/callers.
Frank made a motion to keep the CityDance going through March of 2011. June made the second.
There was a unanimous approval by the board.
Tamara made a motion to drop the minimum payment for CityDance to $100 per share, not
including sound. There was a unanimous decision by the board.

• June was not in favor of t-shirts for the dance due to the effort it takes to get it together.
Ben Allen has asked to be involved with the awards.
Depending on whether or not we hang plastic, we may not need to meet at 10:30. June will stay in
touch with the board/committee.
We need to make sure to stress to attendees that it is a flat rate for the event no matter what time
you arrive (make explicit on the website and the announcements).
Anna is committing to pick up lunch for the volunteers during set-up for the Monster Mash.

New Business:
• CityDance Volunteers
The board decided that it might not be necessary to get volunteers for the City Dance.
• Techno-contra
Anna reported that it might not be best to do a techno contra that Jordy usually does in Asheville.
Instead, Anna will work with Jordy to create a “crossover contra” where everyone would be invited
and a variety of songs could be played.
• Wayne reported that MoonDance went really well this year. Everything as planned. Next year, we are excited about having Great Bear Trio as first band.
• Report from Frank on South East Dance Leadership Conference
Frank learned a lot from the conference and gave an informative report on what he learned. See Sound Committee above

Next Meeting: Sunday, December 12th from 3:00-5:30pm at the home of Anna Rowe. Followed by social and potluck.

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